0418465363 Astralpool VX Salt Chlorinator – Pool Heater Sydney
Astralpool VX Salt Chlorinator
Astralpool VX Salt Chlorinator

Astralpool VX Salt Chlorinator

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Astralpool VX Salt Chlorinator

Manual dosing of liquid or granular chlorine can be hazardous. Over dosing can cause eye irritation, itchy skin and a strong chlorine order. The AstralPool VX salt chlorinator continuously generates the precise level of chlorine required into your pool. With the convenience of a touch pad the level of output can be adjusted and operating hours can be preset. With the self cleaning ability the VX Salt Chlorinator is perfect for any pool and spa combination.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy to use control system
  • Available with or without time clock
  • Self cleaning
  • Precise level of chlorine is added as required.


Model Time Clock Chlorine Out-put
Per Hour
Pool Volume (Litres)
(temperate climate*)
Pool Volume (Litres)
(tropical climate**)
VX 7S No 25 gms 96,000 50,000
VX 7T Yes 25 gms 96,000 50,000
VX 9S No 30 gms 120,000 75,000
VX 9T Yes 30 gms 120,000 75,000
VX 11S No 42 gms 160,000 100,000
VX 11T Yes 42 gms 160,000 100,000


AstralPool Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 97 007 284 504) ("AstralPool") provides the following warranty in relation to its VX – 3 Series Salt Chlorinator ("Product"). The benefits of this warranty are in addition to any rights and remedies imposed by Australian State and Federal legislation that cannot be excluded. Nothing in this warranty is to be interpreted as excluding, restricting or modifying any State or Federal legislation applicable to the supply of goods and services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. WARRANTY AstralPool warrants that, subject to the exclusions and limitations below, the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship during the warranty period. The warranty periods are set out below and commence 30 days after the date of purchase (to allow for installation). The warranty period may vary for different parts of the Product.

 For more product information see the Astralpool product brochure: https://www.astralpool.com.au/sites/default/files/products/brochures/VXChlorinator_web_2.pdf