The Naked System Pool Chlorinator
Product Description
The Naked Hybrid System is made up of a digital control unit which supplies and manages current to the electrode assembly (OXI & ION Cell). Electrolysis passes through the copper and silver anodes, releasing the ions into the water. The silver disinfects the water controlling bacteria and the copper prevents algae growth. In addition, oxidisation is used as water passes over the titanium plates producing small, untraceable amounts of chlorine ensuring organic matter and other contaminates are eliminated from the water. The system will work with any type of new pool and can be retrofitted to existing pools and spas.
With the world’s best quality water on tap, Australian’s appreciate the benefits of fresh water. Yet when it comes to our nation’s favourite pastime, we’ve all accepted that chlorine and saltwater were the natural order of things. Not anymore. A breakthrough new system by Naked Pools can safely and effortlessly purify your pool water without need for chlorine, salt or added minerals. The benefits are crystal clear:
- No red eyes or irritated skin Perfect for asthmatics, psoriasis and eczema
- Up to 50% saving on running costs
- Longer lasting equipment and pool surrounds
- No need to wash swimwear or shower after use
- Far less maintenance than traditional systems Recycle the water direct to your garden without dilution
Asthma & Allergies
If eczema, dermatitis, itchy skin, asthma or skin rashes are a problem at your home, contact us to discuss a fresh water alternative that is making a huge impact in the industry. We invite you to explore the difference you can make to your swimming experience and take the first steps to a healthier lifestyle for your family and friends.
Water no different to your household tap!
Australia has some of the best quality tap water in the world. Although our water comes from natural resources, catchments and mountains, it still requires filtration and additives to ensure it remains fresh and bacteria free when used at home. We all know that chlorine is one of the main additives in our domestic water. In nearly all cases, the amount is so small that you are not able to smell or taste it. The same applies for a Naked Pool.
Rejuvenating & Refreshing
Different to traditional pool and spa systems that rely on high levels of chlorine to sanitise the pool water, the Naked System utilises nature’s natural minerals such as copper and silver. Algae cannot grow in a copper environment, while silver has purifying qualities, and these minerals remain in the pool to constantly sanitise your water. With extremely low amounts of salt and the minerals present, the water in a Naked Pool has a soft and rejuvenating feel, best described as swimming in a fresh water stream. And there is no need to shower or rinse your swimwear after use!
Environmental Benefits
Save up to 50% on running costs.
The Naked Pools System is customised to the needs of your swimming pool. This reduces running time and power consumption and increases the longevity of your pool.
Recycle the pool water without dilution.
You can re-use the water from your pool directly onto your garden or into holding tanks as grey water. Not only does this save water, there are no hazardous chemicals going down the public drainage systems.
All pool equipment will last longer.
Without the harsh chemicals found in chlorine and salt chlorinated swimming pools, your pool filters, pipes, tiles and other surrounds will last much longer. Again, saving you money and the need to replace products such as plastic or glass from around your pool.
Your swimwear will last longer.
Your clothes won’t deteriorate like they do when swimming in chlorine or salt pools. In fact, the water is just like having a shower, therefore you do not need to rinse your bathers or yourself after swimming.
Reduction in chemical usage.
You do not need to add other chemicals such as stabiliser or blockout to maintain chlorine levels in your pool like traditional systems. This makes your pool better for your health and the environment.
Features of the Fresh Water Systems
- The ions in the water continue to disinfect even when the system is not running.
- The ions are not affected by heat or sun like typical chlorine, salt and mineral chlorinators, so there is no need to add chemicals such as Cyanuric Acid (Stabiliser) to protect the water.
- The continuous effects of the minerals remaining in the water means you can run the system for half the time of traditional sanitisers. This amounts to big savings in power and ongoing running costs.
- TDS (total dissolved solids) are at extremely low levels providing crystal clear water.
- A well-balanced pool using ionisation rather than high levels of chlorine can be backwashed direct to your garden and is better for pool equipment and surrounds.
- Designed and manufactured in Australia with over 20 years of production experience.
- Easy to use, multi-function digital display.
- Precise touch pad and time clock control.
- Flexible timer control works perfectly with variable speed pumps.
- Smart self-cleaning technology.
- Variable OXI and ION control. Backwash and winter mode functions.
- Suitable for concrete, fibreglass, vinyl and tiled pools